During her childhood, she was faced with many obstacles, but never once did she allow those obstacles to stand in her way of becoming who she is today. She excelled in academics in school in hopes of one day becoming Valedictorian of her senior class at Talladega County Central High School, Talladega, Alabama. She accomplished this goal and was able to attend college on a Presidential Scholarship at Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama. Even in excelling in academics in high school, her life was not complete, because she was lacking the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Before leaving for college, she had the opportunity to attend church with her mother one Sunday. She was really encouraged by the word of God that she heard and decided to start going to church every Sunday. Immediately, God Began to speak to her through the word of God about receiving salvation and being set free from sin. She decided that salvation is what she wanted and needed to obtain eternal peace, love, joy and a new life, which she was now feeling since she had been attending church with her mom. One day a youth prayer line was called by her former pastor, Apostle Dr. Margaret McDill and she decided to go and get prayer in hopes of receiving salvation and being filled with the Holy Ghost. Yes, indeed, in the year of 1998 at the age of 18, before starting college, she received the gift of salvation of Jesus Christ, set free from her sins and was filled with the Holy Ghost and Fire! Also, on that day she officially became a member of the Miracle Prayer House Cathedral.
Since this great experience, she been on fire for God wanting to help other people come to Jesus Christ, especially the youth. Humbly, she has allowed God to use her in ministering the word of God in different arenas. In the past, she has held bible studies while attending Tuskegee University and while interning as a research student at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. She finished college in May 2002 earning the Bachelor of Science degree from Tuskegee University in Animal and Poultry Science/Business. Also, during her four years at Tuskegee University, she was recognized for several honors. She was the Tuskegee University Freshman Business Student of the Year in 2001, Honor Roll Scholar 1998-2002, a Research Scholar, and she graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors.
On September 27, 2003, she was blessed and wedded in Holy-Matrimony to her husband, Apostle Miller James Pearson Jr. Together, they have had the opportunity to minister the word of God on a local Gospel radio stations: WNUZ 1230 AM, WFEB Sylacauga, AL and numerous Christian services and events and in the Federal Prison System. as a former member of Miracle Prayer House Cathedral, she served as mistress of ceremony on numerous occas ions and has served as a M.P.H.C. Sunday school teacher at her church. She was a member of the M.P.H.C. Church choir and has served as a praise devotional leader. Other church membership offices she has held include: Nurse's Guild, The President of the M.P.H.C. Evangelist Board and a member of the Young People Department. In the past, she has loved working with the youth in directing Christmas and Easter plays at her church, as well. She is truly an inspiration, especially to the youth of today, and motivates the youth and others by speaking to their hearts the love of God!
She loves giving back to her community by tutoring the youth of all ages in math, reading/language, science, history and other subject areas for free. Formerly, she worked for a company where she oversaw international students from China as they matriculated into the American culture and the American education system.
Also, Evangelist Mary had the opportunity to follow her passion after the confirmation of her calling through serving with YWCA AmeriCorps for two years working with the Children In Crisis Program. She went on to obtain her Master of Science degree in Collaborative Education from Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL, where she is certified in grades K-12. Now, she is a teacher in the Talladega County School System, where she has been recognized as Teacher of the Month in Collaborative Education and for the school year of 2018-2019, Teacher of the Year at Childersburg High School, Childersburg, AL.
She is now serving as the Assistant Pastor assisting her husband, Apostle Miller James Pearson Jr. He is her Pastor and the Founder of Heavenly Grace Gospel Word Network, Inc., a non-profit organization. This Network reaches over millions of people worldwide to help them to know and learn Jesus Christ by spreading the word of God via the Roku Streaming Player, the Internet, Facebook Live, Christian Worldwide Media, Youtube and other Television and media platforms.
Now, New Gospel Recording Artist and Song Writer, Mary Ella Jackson Pearson strongly believes, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!' -Philippians 4:13. And this is shown through herr new release of Miracles, Signs and Wonders Music Project!!!